I once counseled a friend to take time to think. I was ridiculed for such an offering. Having no time to think themselves - the others in the room thought it a humourus thing to suggest. They have no idea of the impact that night has had on my life.

01 December 2006

It Only Takes A Spark

Nice Lee, real nice. Head to the Tennessean's website to check out the rebuttal to this article - written by Lee himself.

Christianity talk sparks wave of religious debate
Lipscomb speaker's views on peace capture attention

Staff Writer

Comments made during a Lipscomb University interfaith gathering to examine religious conflict drew a firestorm of interest Wednesday.

More than 250 comments were posted on The Tennessean's Web site, with some readers saying they learned of the story through morning talk radio show hosts and online bloggers who took exception to comments made by Lipscomb University theologian Lee Camp.

Among Camp's comments at a Tuesday interfaith forum of pastors and laity was that Christians need to lay aside the notion of a worldwide Christian kingdom if they hope to get along with Jews and Muslims.

One Nashville man said he was intrigued by Camp's views and interested in joining any dialogues about religious conflict at Lipscomb University.

"We all love God, as Muslims, Jews and Christians," said Jim Hurley, 57. Hurley said he has long been wrestling with how to reconcile his Christian belief in the Lordship of Jesus Christ with the existence of the Muslim and Jewish faiths.

"I'm just trying to understand how to reconcile my faith with others. I'm not a scholar. I'm just a student. And we've got a problem in Iraq. I think we need to begin talking about how Christ is going to help me understand Muslims and Jews."

In an online discussion, some people rallied to Camp's support, but others were critical of his comments. •


Adam said...

Stll waiting for some blog action from you. It isn't like you don't have anything going on in your life, so either write about it, or give me a call sometime. You can't possibly be that busy.

joshua r hanauer said...

i have been waiting to write about things until after we talk to maurie's brother in bolivia - he is unaware of the situation as of yet. so, be cool and i'll write in a bit.