I once counseled a friend to take time to think. I was ridiculed for such an offering. Having no time to think themselves - the others in the room thought it a humourus thing to suggest. They have no idea of the impact that night has had on my life.

24 June 2005

The 'Burbs

The 'Burbs
Originally uploaded by joshuahanauer.
Took in a movie tonight - a 1989 classic - The 'Burbs with Tom Hanks in his younger years. I know that reviews are mixed, but Maurie and I love this stupid movie.

Tomorrow I travel to Engine 35 in the heart of Westwood, not far from home. After the tour, my flight leaves for NYC on Sunday morning. The details are still hazy as to my responsibilities, but I am fairly confident a good time is to be had.

I will miss home and my wife, but reunions are always to be wonderfully anticipated. Intentionally not taking a camera to Shiloh, just want to enjoy the time with both my eyes for once - remind you of a song?

Looks like we are in for another movie - About a Boy - a bit more our time, still a classic.

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