I once counseled a friend to take time to think. I was ridiculed for such an offering. Having no time to think themselves - the others in the room thought it a humourus thing to suggest. They have no idea of the impact that night has had on my life.

07 March 2006

Breakfast and Bolivia

Yesterday I was in Columbus climbing on OSU's campus for the first time in a long time. It was a humbling experience and Maurie tried to convince me that this was a good thing. Once-upon-a-time I was a good climber. 3 out of 4 weekends were spent at local walls and weekdays spent at a gym working out the details. However, time and any number of other factors have taken their toll and I am no more what I once was. It is one of my first glaces at change for the worse in my life, and I don't like it one bit. I have decided to fight back.

This morning I had breakfast with a good friend. We talked work and school and church and family. We both thought we should do it again and I think we actually will.

Maurie's brother is going to Bolivia in May to spend 24 months in the Peace Corps. Selfishly, I look forward to a trip to visit. We will work out the details later. Kelly week this week and much to be done around the house. Red River Gorge in less than 3 weeks and I will be expected to lead all the routes - not sure I could do it as I stand today - much work to be done.

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