I once counseled a friend to take time to think. I was ridiculed for such an offering. Having no time to think themselves - the others in the room thought it a humourus thing to suggest. They have no idea of the impact that night has had on my life.

24 October 2005

Back to "Normal"

Originally uploaded by joshuahanauer.
Arsenalna is one of Kyiv's metro stops. It was once used as a bomb shelter during the Cold War when it was feared that American Imperialists might bomb the city at a moment's notice. This photo is of one of the escalators - there is another of equal length. The ride takes just over six minutes.

Maurie and I are back from Ukraine and I am ready to do some teaching. You know when you go to Wal Mart you come out feeling like you've shed a couple IQ points. Well, when I leave Kyiv I feel as though I am more intelligent than ever.

My class will be titled "Slaves, Women and Homosexuals" after a book by the same name. In an attempt to push the envelope of cultural hermeneutics, we will explore the reasoning behind our conclusions as to what is cultural in scriptural and what is transcultural. I am truly excited about teaching for the first time in a long time. Many of you know, my first real attempt with the church and teaching did not go so well.

As for Kyiv - a wonderful place. Our friends are the best we could ask for and we will be back in the summer for a wedding. Sasha Kuzmenko asked if I would perform the ceremony - I said I would be honored.

Work has been good since returning. And we get Norman on Friday. Much to look forward to and we are blessed.

1 comment:

joshua r hanauer said...

oh yes, the class will be a sunday morning offering of epic proportions. i recommend the book - william webb does and great job with the toughest of subjects when it comes to the issues he deals with. i was impressed.