I once counseled a friend to take time to think. I was ridiculed for such an offering. Having no time to think themselves - the others in the room thought it a humourus thing to suggest. They have no idea of the impact that night has had on my life.

23 July 2005

Doing Good Missions

This morning did not start well - I was tossing the cookies in a San Diego Airport bathroom. It never got much better - I was chunking on the plane and nearly pooped my pants twice. However, after some salad and a sandwich, I am feeling much better.

Maurie and I are back from Mexico and we are still nailing down our exact thoughts on the week past. I will write some now, but save the bulk for later, when I have put some separation in and perhaps added some insights.

Here are some facts on the trip: Something like 85 of us went to Baja when 40 would have been too many. I went to build a house and spent very little time on the site and the home never was finished. Baja Missions is an organization with too much money and not enough to do. Everywhere we went we drove. Everywhere we stayed was the best in town. Everytime we did anything, we needed pictures of the moment and "gold stars" to praise those involved.

Perhaps that is why I am so sick.

I will write tomorrow. I am happy to be home and looking forward to worship with the church tomorrow.

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