I once counseled a friend to take time to think. I was ridiculed for such an offering. Having no time to think themselves - the others in the room thought it a humourus thing to suggest. They have no idea of the impact that night has had on my life.

31 January 2006

Our Wonderfully Normal Life

Originally uploaded by joshuahanauer.
Maurie and I are fresh back from Snowshoe, WV after having celebrated four years of marriage. We decided we would return - it is a beautiful place.

Yesterday was work and 24 hours spent on Ambulance 9. We had cars wrecks, tummies that hurt, multiple gunshot wounds and swollen feet - just to name a few. Usually after a tour on a "box" I need a day to recover; here I find myself.

Work has begun on the upstairs bedroom. I am tearing out carpet and getting things ready to paint. Work has also been restarted on the spiritual life of my family. We are tearing out the old ways and getting this ready for God to take control again. My feelings on church have reached an all time low. I am hanging in there - but finding it tougher than ever to sit in the pew and watch.

Reading some Hauerwas and loving it. Adam was good to me this Christmas. Learning some David Gray songs on the guitar and thinking about the concert - Maurie was good to me for my birthday. Jason and I sold Leona - finally. We will be happy to start anew.

Praying for Vitaly, my LifeGroup, mom and when to start having little Hanauers. Thanks for listening in.

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